Pristine 2020-02-22T06:08:00+00:00



The Hypoallergenic Room Concept

Swiss Quality, applied using a nine-step process, guarantees a perfect and natural hypoallergenic environment for a healthy sleeping.



The Hypoallergenic Room Concept

Swiss Quality, applied using a nine-step process, guarantees a perfect and natural hypoallergenic environment for a healthy sleeping.


The main Pristine Service is composed of the following: For the indoor air, we will fully clean and disinfect the entire AC system. For the surfaces, we will clean and disinfect the bed, the floor, the carpet, curtains and the upholstery. However, this can be broken down to individual services and be customized depending on your needs.

We guarantee a non-toxic, non-invasive, and non-controversial technology due to the fact that no chemicals, ions or ozone are used.

We use Steam

The inherent heat and penetration power of steam is highly effective for killing and removing molds and bacteria. It is safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly than any other method.

We use Biosanitizer

Our biosanitizer solution is a Swiss patented 100% chemical free disinfectant, meeting the highest European disinfection standards with no side effects. Unlike other harmful chemicals, our biosanitizer “boosted Hydrogen Peroxide” solution kills bacteria on surfaces before transforming it back into water, oxygen and hydrogen, which evaporates without leaving any residue.

Place your trusted jobs in the most experienced hands in the region

Get in touch with us anytime.